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▶︎▶︎【NEW】2025年1月ラスベガス新店開店!2025年 春 / シリコンバレー2店舗開店決定 ! ★全米20店舗以上!45名以上の日本人が活躍中する100%米国法人からの募集です!★VISA取得サポート有【当社は安心のEビザ5年サポート。J1ビザの様な2年縛りはありません。米国法人なので日本での研修も一切ありません。】★年間最大21日間のリフレッシュ休暇取得可能!殆どの社員が毎年2週間のバケーションを楽しんでます!★米国での成功を最短で目指せる。日本では体感できない働き方や面白さを全身で感じられる会社です!
Web Access No.2489937
Posting Period: 2025/01/24 (Fri) - 2025/02/24 (Mon)
* Application period may close early depending on the situation.
22 days left
- Preservation of Job Applicant's rights and equal opportunity employment
- Hiring companies shall not discriminate any applicants in regards to employment and any other benefits based on their race, skin color, religion, gender, sexual preference, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizen status, genetics, and any other category protected by laws. Moreover, hiring companies shall comply with the laws of respective countries and regions in determining employment conditions such as compensation and holidays. Should you find any violation of this policy, please contact us.